Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals

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Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals
Training Guidelines

From this page you are able to download a wide variety of training guidelines and training models from the Promise project.
Simply click on the subject that you are interested in below to reveal more information and links to downloads.
What are the PROMISE European Guidelines for training professionals in mental health promotion in the area of depression and suicide?
These Training Guidelines on Mental Health Promotion in the area of Depression and Suicide provide a series of recommendations in the form of best practice indicators to help professionals and communities develop and evaluate quality training programmes for professionals on mental health promotion in the area of suicide and depression in Europe.
The Guidelines are designed to be used for undergraduate training, or for continuous or postgraduate training. They can also be used for training when setting up local projects on specific mental health promotion themes: for example when training employers on promoting health and well-being in the workplace in the context of a series of work-related suicides.
The Guidelines introduce a new concept of mental health promotion in the area of depression and suicidality and fighting against stigma related to depression and suicidality through theoretical and practical training focusing on up-to-date, balanced, multisectorial knowledge and bio-psycho-social-spiritual models.
The Model Training Programme
A model training programme in the area of depression and suicide offers an example of training based on the guidelines, and incorporates possible topics from both mental health promotion and traiditional prevention approaches.


Publications & Conference Reports
> Télécharger le programme de formation PROMISE: Bien Vivre en Psychiatrie