Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals

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PROMISE Project Publications

The following publications present key results from the PROMISE project concerning mental health promotion training for health and social care professionals.
Da Silva K, Zager Kocjan G. Indicators for training professionals in the area of depression and suicide, and a model training programme. Socialno delo 51(5), 2012
Da Silva K. The PROMISE European Guidelines for training professionals on mental health promotion: evaluating implementation in the area of depression and suicide. Socialno delo 51(5), 2012
Flores P, Leahy E, Sorro M, Izquierdo E, Masferrer C. The empowerment and sharing of knowledge among mental health service users: bridging the gap between the users and the mental health institution. Int J Integrated Care, 9, 2009
Greacen T, Jouet E, Ryan P, Cserhati Z, Grebenc V. Griffiths C, Hansen B, Leahy E, Maravic da Silva K, Šabić A, De Marco A, Flores P. Developing European Guidelines for Training Care Professionals in Mental Health Promotion (
Grebenc V. The implications of the PROMISE European Training Guidelines for Social Workers. Socialno delo 51(5), 2012
Odro AB, Dadzie LK, Collins D, Lodoiska R, Ryan R. Mental Health Nursing and Mental Health Promotion: a UK Case Example. Socialno delo 51(5), 2012
Plette R. Mentálhigiénés szemlélet fejlesztése és elterjesztése a munkahelyeken – a PROMISE program bemutatása. Munkavédelmi, Tűzvédelmi és Foglalkozás-egészségügyi Tanácsadó 7. szám, 6-8, 2011
Šabić A. The concept of mental health promotion as a basis for rethinking preventive actions in the field of addiction. Socialno delo 51(5), 2012

Training Guidelines

Training Guidelines:
Guidelines for Training Care Professionals in Mental Health Promotion
Health Promotion Training: Healthy Living for Service Users
Mental Health Promotion Training: Suicide and Depression
Mental Health Promotion Training: Drugs and Alcohol
Guidelines for training Nurses in Mental Health Promotion
Guidelines for training Psychologists in Mental health Promotion
Guidelines for training Social Workers in Mental Health Promotion
Guidelines for training Psychiatrists in Mental Health Promotion
Guidelines for inclusion of Service Users in Mental Health Promotion

Training Professionals in Mental Health Promotion: Key Papers Presented at the PROMISE Conference

The PROMISE Conference on 13 September 2012 presented state of the art research and best practice in mental health promotion training for health professionals.
In addition, the conference provided a platform for the launch of the newly developed PROMISE European Guidelines for mental health promotion training, with recommendations for key professional groups (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and social workers)
The PROMISE Conference on 13 September 2012 presented state of the art research and best practice in mental health promotion training for health professionals.
In addition, the conference provided a platform for the launch of the newly developed PROMISE European Guidelines for mental health promotion training, with recommendations for key professional groups (psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and social workers) and themes such as depression and suicidality, alcohol and drugs and, specifically for mental health service users, healthy living. It also launched guidelines for mental health service user and media involvement in such training packages.
See the principle powerpoint presentations presented at the PROMISE 2012 Conference: