Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals

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Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals
Providing Mental Health Promotion Training - PROMISE

Promoting Mental Health Minimising Mental Illness and Intergrating through Education (PROMISE)
Funded by Directorate General for Health & Consumers Priority Area: 2 PROMOTE HEALTH (HP-2008) Action: 2.3 Improving mental health and healthier living.
PROMISE is a three year mental health promotion project which began in October 2009. Partners in seven European countries have been collaborating with European and national health and social service professional bodies, mental health servicer user organisations, university networks, and other public and civil society organisations to build on the achievements of previous mental health promotion projects.
PROMISE aims to develop and disseminate guidelines for generic training and education with respect to mental health promotion. Adaptations are provided with regard to traditional prevention themes such as suicide and depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and healthy living for mental health service users. An important innovation is the involvement of mental health service users in this agenda.
Project partners are all ‘multiplier’ organisations with extensive previous expertise in their designated roles. Project actions are consensus-finding stakeholder consultations achieved through the development of a carefully selected set of scientific committees, systematically evaluated through goal attainment scaling. Outcomes are an integrated and comprehensive set of training guidelines and model training programmes that can be accessed through this interactive website. Recommendations are currently being made to European professional bodies and university networks.
PROMISE partners:
Middlesex University, United Kingdom
Hospital Maison Blanche, France
Dept Education, County of Aarhus, Denmark
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
University of Primorska, Slovenia
Hungarian Institute of Occupational Health, Hungary
Municipal Institute of Medical Research Foundation, Spain
University Molise, Italy
Core project output:
Training guidelines for professionals in the area of generic mental health promotion
Training guidelines for professionals in the area of drug/alcohol abuse prevention
Training guidelines for professionals in the area of suicide and depression prevention
Guidelines for the involvement of media in mental health promotion activities
Drug/alcohol abuse prevention model training programmes
Suicide and depression prevention model training programmes
Guidelines for mental health service user involvement in local design and delivery of mental health promotion and illness prevention training
A model training programme with a special emphasis on positive mental health, healthy living, diet and exercise
Training Guidelines

Training Guidelines:
Guidelines for Training Care Professionals in Mental Health Promotion
Health Promotion Training: Healthy Living for Service Users
Mental Health Promotion Training: Suicide and Depression
Mental Health Promotion Training: Drugs and Alcohol
Guidelines for training Nurses in Mental Health Promotion
Guidelines for training Psychologists in Mental health Promotion
Guidelines for training Social Workers in Mental Health Promotion
Guidelines for training Psychiatrists in Mental Health Promotion
Guidelines for inclusion of Service Users in Mental Health Promotion