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Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals

Health Promotion Training  Organisations

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Please find a useful list of Health Promotion Organisations


EMCDDA: The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
EMCDDA is the central source of comprehensive information on drugs and drug addiction in Europe. The EMCDDA exists to provide the EU and its Member States with a factual overview of European drug problems and a solid evidence base to support the drugs debate.


EUFAMI: European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness
EUFAMI is a democratic organisation, registered in Belgium as an international non-profit organisation. We have an ongoing commitment to improving care and welfare for people affected by mental illness.


WHO Europe
WHO is the authority responsible for public health within the United Nations system. The WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) is one of WHO’s six regional offices around the world.


Horatio European Psychiatric Nurses
The aims of the Association are twofold: to advocate for the interest of the members by providing input into the decision-making processes on issues relevant to psychiatric and mental health nursing in Europe and to promote the development of psychiatric and mental health nursing practice, education, management and research.


OSPI Europe: Optimizing Suicide Prevention Programs and their Implementation in Europe
The goal of OSPI-Europe is to provide EU members with an evidence based prevention concept for suicidality. Furthermore, concrete materials and instruments for running and evaluating these interventions and recommendations for the proper implementation of the intervention will be developed and disseminated.


ASIST: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
ASIST aims to enable helpers (anyone in a position of trust) to become more willing, ready and able to recognise and intervene effectively to help persons at risk of suicide.


EX-IN: Experienced Involvement
EX-IN, a pilot project funded by the European Leonardo da Vinci Programme, aims to train mental health service users to work as employees or trainers in mental health services. Mental health professionals, users and trainers from six European countries have developped specific training programmes, based on the experience and knowledge of participants.


EASSW: European Association of Schools of Social Work
EASSW is the European independent branch of the IASSW and brings together about 300 different schools, universities and institutions supporting social work education.
Its mission is to promote social development and develop high quality education, training and knowledge for social work practice, social services, and social welfare policies in Europe.


MHHE: Mental Health in Higher Education
Mental Health in Higher Education aims to increase networking and the sharing of approaches to learning and teaching about mental health across the disciplines in UK higher education.


SEEMHE: South East Europe Mental Health Project
The Mental Health Project for south-eastern Europe is part of a wider effort to bring the region closer to the norms and aspirations of the European Union.


The European Psychiatric Association
The objective of the AEP founding members was to establish an Association of French and German Psychiatrists, which would promote European Psychiatry in the fields of research, treatment and teaching, three axes considered to be unequivocally complementary.


The National Institute for Health and Welfare
An expert Finnish agency in the field of social welfare and health care that produces information and expertise for policymakers and other stakeholders; main functions are research, development and statistics.


IMHPA: European Network for Mental Health Promotion
Imhpa is the second phase of the project a European Network for Mental Health Promotion and Mental Disorder Prevention, an international network of expert partners in 30 European countries and 7 international networks and professionals who share the aim of supporting the development and implementation of mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention action across Europe.


The European Commission's Alcohol and Health Forum
In line with the process described in the Charter establishing the European Alcohol and Health Forum members of the Forum have made a series of commitments aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm.


ASPHER: Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region
ASPHER is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research


European University Association
The European University Association (EUA) represents and supports higher education institutions in 47 countries, providing them with a unique forum to cooperate and keep abreast of the latest trends in higher education and research policies.


ENTER mental health: European Network on Training, Evaluation and Research in Mental Health
The Mission of ENTER is to promote and defend the highest standards of mental health prevention and care in Europe based on collaborative research

Training Guidelines
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