Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals

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Providing mental health promotion training guidelines and training resources for healthcare professionals
Training Guidelines

From this page you are able to download a wide variety of training guidelines and training models from the Promise project.
Simply click on the subject that you are interested in below to reveal more information and links to downloads.

What are the Guidelines for Training Professionals in Healthy Living for Mental Health Service Users?
The Healthy Living Guidelines are a set of quality criteria to be used by anyone designing a training programme for professionals on Healthy Living for Mental Health Service Users. The Guidelines can be used for undergraduate training, for continuous or postgraduate training (for example a Masters Diploma addressing students from different professional backgrounds) or for training when setting up local projects on specific mental health promotion themes.
The Model Training Programme.
The following is a model training programme in Health Promotion for mental health service users. The overall purpose of the training is to promote healthy living by giving the participants an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills on healthy diet and physical activity. The programme can serve as inspiration for trainers when planning local interventions in the field of healthy living.
The programme can serve as inspiration for trainers when planning local interventions in the field of healthy living.


Publications & Conference
> Télécharger le programme de formation PROMISE: Bien Vivre en Psychiatrie